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"Do You Trust Me, Sweet Child of Mine?"

As Christians, we might in theory know a lot of things because we have heard them over and over again. We might even think we believe these things whole heartedly. But it is only when the storms of life come upon us, that we find out if we truly believe what we say we believe.

Today, I would like to remind us of two simple but life-changing truths and how these truths can change our perspective on every single thing that happens to us in this life.

God Is In Control

God is sovereign and is in full control of absolutely everything.

Proverbs 21:30

"There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord."

Isaiah 14:24

"The Lord Almighty has sworn,

“Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will happen."

Proverbs 19:21

"You can make many plans,

but the Lord’s purpose will prevail."

God Works Everything Out for the Good of Those Who Love Him

Roman 8:28

"And we know that God causes everything to work together

for the good of those who love God

and are called according to his purpose for them."

God has promised us that for those who love Him, EVERYTHING works together for good.

Not most things.

Not some things.


Do We Really Trust Him?

God is in control. In all things, God works for the good of those who love Him.

If we truly believe these two things completely,

then when something bad happens in our lives,

instead of us asking and questioning God,

"Why, God, why?",

let us instead answer God as He asks us the question,

"Do you trust me, child?"

That is the question we need to think about.

Do we really trust Him?

Friend, I don't know what situation you are going through right now.

But as we especially go through difficulties, let us ask ourselves,

do we really trust Him to bring good out of everything in our lives?

  • "Lord, I am about to lose my job and I don't know how to I am going to take care of my family, do I trust that you are bringing good out of this?

  • "Lord, my health is failing, I don't know what is happening, do I trust that you are bringing good out of this?

  • "Lord, I desire to get married but I have not found the right person yet, do I trust that you are bringing good out of this?

  • "Lord, my children are struggling, do I trust that you are bringing good out of this?

Friend, think about the things in your life right now that are causing you

worry, fear or anxiety.

Now ask yourself, given this scary or seemingly impossible situation,

do you trust Him to work it out for good?

Do you?

Because friend, He has already promised us that no matter what we are going through,

if we love and obey Him, He can and WILL work ALL of it for good.

No matter how messy it seems.

No matter how difficult it seems.

No matter how scientifically impossible it seems.

The God who created the heavens and the earth, still performs miracles and wonders.

He is in absolute control and He can and will work everything out for good and for His glory.

Doubts & Fears

Friend, maybe you are struggling with the answer to that question.

Maybe you are struggling to trust if He can actually bring good out of your situation.

Guess what? That's okay!

If we feel doubts creeping in, it is okay.

What should we do with our doubts?

Let us take hold of these thoughts and immediately take them to God.

God already knows our hearts and thoughts (Psalm 139:2).

And He wants us to come to Him with anything on our mind (Philippians 4:6).

So take it to Him like the father in Mark 9:23-24 did

and ask Him to help you overcome your unbelief.

He will not leave us.

He will help us where we need help (2 Corinthians 9:8),

if we but sincerely and humbly ask Him (Matthew 7:7).

Friend, ask Him!

Let Us Remind Ourselves

So next time that we start worrying or getting anxious,

let us instead listen for God's still quiet voice whispering to us,

"Child, do you trust me?"

And let us remind ourselves of these two

earth-shattering, unbending, never-changing truths:

God is in control. In all things, God works for the good of those who love Him.

Peace That Transcends All Understanding

What does it mean for us, if we wholeheartedly believe these two truths?

If we truly believed this, our perspective

on every single thing that happens in our life would radically change.

When we truly love God, He can redeem anything that has happened to us

and bring good out of it for His glory.

We will start looking at everything that happens to us as

something that God has allowed into our lives for His glory and for our good.

We might not fully understand why something is happening.

We might never understand it in this lifetime.

But we will rest in the peace of knowing that He is bringing good out of everything.

Simple put, if we really do trust Him completely,

then we can rest in absolute peace no matter what we go through in this life.


Don't we all want that?

A deep peace regardless of external circumstances.

So, friends,

let us trust Him,

let us obey Him,

let us give our burdens, fears and doubts to Him,

and in turn,

let us watch in wonder as He fills us with peace that passeth all understanding.


Philippians 4:6-7

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Genesis 50:20

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."

Matthew 11:28-30

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

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